Energizing VitalityA breath and stretch at a time
Wendy Landry Discovers Yoga

Wendy received the gift of yoga in 2000. That first yoga class allowed her to reconnect with her sense of humor. Each subsequent class brought the ability to bend a little further or hold a stretch a little longer. Wendy found yoga to be physically challenging, but also very rewarding. The more classes she attended, the more she began to notice new accomplishments: better concentration, more patience with people, weight loss and an all around positive outlook on life. Wendy also began to bring what she learned on her yoga mat into her management style at work every day. Wendy is a Level 1 Radiant Child Yoga Teacher, who studied with Shakta Kaur Khalsa. After 10 years as a yoga student, Wendy decided to dedicate her life to the teaching of yoga and completed her 200 hour certification at the Dallas Yoga Center. She has studied with Irene Beere, Vikki Johnson, Paula Weithman, Jessica O’Keefe, David Sunshine, and Chris Greene.